Apex Residential Solar Solutions
Tax Credits, Energy Independence & Green Living
Home is where the heart is—and solar power can be the heart of your home in Apex. Apex has two electricity providers, Duke Energy and Town of Apex. Both allow net metering, in which you can use the electricity you are generating first, and send any excess back to the utility for credit on your next energy bill, paying the net between what you used and the credits you sent back to the grid. And combined with battery back up like the Tesla Powerwall, customers can essentially store the excess energy to be used instead of buying electricity from the utility at night. Duke Energy customers can also apply for a rebate.
Apex is growing quickly and has many new neighborhoods with little to no shade that are great candidates for solar. Yes Solar will assist with HOA applications and make it a simple process for the Apex homeowner wanting to go solar. Solar still has a federal tax credit for installation and with solar panel pricing low, it is a sound investment in so many ways. Solar energy will help you and your family become energy-independent while raising your home value and reducing your carbon footprint.
Attractive Tax Credits
Help Reduce Pollution
Become Energy Independent
Increase Your Home's Value
For years, Apex’s residents and businesses have been installing solar panels. And we at Yes Solar Solutions have been the experts serving customers in Apex, NC for over a decade, providing the most professional maintenance and installation of solar panels, Tesla Powerwalls, and electric vehicle charging stations in North Carolina.