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First Tesla Powerwall Installation in NC

Breaking New Ground

Yes Solar Solutions just installed the first Tesla Powerwall in North Carolina.  Yes Solar has been leading the way in custom solar power installations since 2009.  And as the solar industry, the technology, and the certifications have advanced, our team has stayed ahead of the pack by identifying and installing only high-quality equipment, setting the industry standards with unmatched service and cutting edge product and system warranties, and maintaining a prestigious NABCEP certification.

One of only seven North American Board Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) accredited companies in the U.S., Yes Solar Solutions is also your trusted partner for solar storage and electric vehicle charging installations.  Yes was the first Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer in North Carolina.  And now we are the first to have completed an installation and powered up a Tesla Powerwall.  Our first shipment arrived on August 8th and we found that after we announced the news, our customers and partners were just as excited as the Yes Solar Solutions team was.  We could not wait to get our Tesla Powerwall installations started and get this battery/storage solution into the hands  (or added to the solar systems) of our customers.

How It Worked, How it Works

Tesla Powerwall InstallationSolar storage has been around for a while.  In the past, deep cycle batteries tied to inverters have been used to store energy generated by solar.  And they are still used today. Generators powered by fossil fuels have also been in use for years, the goal being the storage of energy or the ability to generate power in emergency situations. While those technologies are still in use, the lithium-ion battery technology in the Tesla Powerwall is a game changer.  The unit is compact: 44″ long x 29″wide x 5.5″deep, weighing in at about 276 lbs.  It can be mounted on the wall or on the floor, and compared to deep cycle batteries, takes up less space.

The lithium-ion batteries allow you to charge and use your storage on a daily basis.  Your solar panels provide power to your home, and any excess will then go to your Tesla Powerwall. Any left over after that will go out to the grid.  The energy will be stored until you need it, and the draw will be accessed without your having to do anything!  In other words, when the sun goes down, instead of drawing from the grid, you can pull the energy that you already generated.  You can also set up your system to draw and store energy from the grid when the electricity rate is lower.  Couple these options with an electric vehicle and you can drastically reduce your carbon footprint and save on your energy spend.

Running On Battery Power

One of the limitations in the past has been price, but Tesla Powerwall is now affordable and the math can work out in most scenarios.  You currently have to be tied to the grid to use Tesla Powerwall storage, but that won’t always be the case.  We expect this to change at some point, allowing system owners to generate and store their own electricity in an off-grid situation.  Until then, lithium-ion technology, Tesla Powerwall and the energy storage competition are bringing exciting new possibilities to the table.

We received a follow-up email from our first install saying “I am typing this on battery power!!”  Tesla Powerwall is here in North Carolina and we are taking our “Power of Independence” guarantee to the next level.  Give us a call today to talk about adding a Tesla Powerwall to your system, or how we can customize a solar array, storage and charging solution for you and your energy needs.

Keep checking back for updates on more Tesla Powerwall installations, and for more details on specifications, please visit our Tesla Powerwall informational page.

North Carolina’s Top Solar Installer

Yes Solar Solutions offers solar solutions for both commercial and residential applications.  We serve Durham, Cary, Raleigh, Morrisville, Apex, Greensboro, Graham, Burlington, from the mountains to the sea, across North Carolina.  We can also help provide additional information on the 2018 Utility rebate for residential, and 2018 Utility rebates and incentives for businesses.

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