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Solar Ribbon Cutting at Urban Ministries

urban ministries

Yes Solar Solutions was a proud participant in the solar system ribbon cutting at Dorcas Ministries in Cary, NC on Wednesday June 13, 2012.  Both the Herald Sun (“Powered by the Sun”) and the Durham News (“Sunshine Savings”) were at the ribbon cutting/press conference announcing NC WARN’s solar donation program to non-profits. About 100 people were on hand to celebrate the event.

Yes Solar Solutions and Argand Energy Solutions partnered in the development and installation of the Urban Ministries project. The installations were made possible by an unsolicited grant from NC WARN. The project included a 5 kW solar system with 20 Suniva solar panels use an Aurora inverter and a solar water heating system with 3 Solstice collectors and a 120 gallon SolarHot tank.

Urban Ministries of Durham N.C provides assistance in the form of shelter for 1300 guests in a 12 month period, and 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for anyone needing a meal. The system is expected to generate 6649 kWh of electricity per year. This equates to 2,000 more meals that the center can provide.

“We embrace effective innovations that help us move people from crisis to a place of long-term sustainability. Likewise, for years to come, these solar systems will free thousands of dollars per year that we can use directly for services to those in need, at least enough savings to pay for at least 2,000 meals in our café. We’re grateful for this contribution from NC WARN that empowers us to help neighbors in need,” said Patrice Nelson, Executive Director of Urban Ministries of Durham.

NC WARN promotes solar power as a solid, affordable investments for most homes and businesses, and a key element of the much-needed statewide shift to protect the renewable energy economy. So far, the Solar Rooftop Donation Program has led to sizeable electric and hot water installations at Urban Ministries of Durham and a hot water system at the Helen Wright Center for Women in Raleigh.

“I want Durham to be a leader in reducing pollution and protecting our environment as well as in meeting the needs of all our citizens. We appreciate this project as an excellent example of how we can do all at the same time,” said Bill Bell, Mayor of Durham.

For many years, NC WARN has promoted the benefits of solar energy in the public eye and at the NC Utilities Commission. Now the group is donating rooftop systems and energy efficiency upgrades to a number of service organizations that use large amounts of hot water and electricity – including homeless shelters, group homes and rehabilitation centers. By lowering operating costs significantly, WARN aims to help sister nonprofits apply more funds toward services for residents in need.

“We urge members of the public to consider a great investment in a solar hot water or electricity-generating system – either rooftop, carport or ground-mount. Such ‘distributed’ power helps protect all state residents from soaring electricity rates by avoiding costly, dangerous new power plants. And it helps us all by cutting greenhouse gases and other pollution,” said Rita Leadem, NC WARN Assistant Director. Leadem added that solar provides an unmatched return on investment for home and business owners by locking in a very low cost for energy over the long term.

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