Everyone wants to save money, and most people prefer to do it without causing the detriment of someone or something else. Imagine that you could
We Heart Solar
For Valentine’s Day, we are taking the opportunity to feature some of our happy customers who are in love with solar (or with Yes Solar
NPR WUNC: Solar Business is Booming
Yes Co-founders Stew and Kathy Miller were interviewed by WUNC reporter Dave Dewitt for a story about the future of residential solar and the impact
Going Solar Makes Dollars and Sense
Chapel Hill News, August 29, 2014 Yes! Solar Solutions Solarize Carrboro customer Janet Whitesides offered her perspective in a guest column in the Chapel Hill
Solarize Chatham County Enrollment
Solarize Chatham, sponsored by Durham non-profit NC WARN, enrollment period ends July 30, 2014. NC WARN and Yes Solar Solutions also partnered on Solarize Durham
Solarize Orange County Announced
Solarize Orange, a grassroots initiative to bring simple and affordable solar power to Orange County N.C. homeowners, announces the launch of another grass-roots solar community
Progress Energy Cuts Solar Rebate and Hikes Energy Rates
Last week, the North Carolina Utilities commission approved Progress Energy‘s Sunsense rebate change from $1,000 per kilowatt AC installed, to $500 per kilowatt AC installed.