CARRBORO, N.C. — With the sun shining brightly outside McDougle Middle School in Carrboro, it’s a good day to learn about solar energy. Yes Solar Solutions
Solarize Triad Launch
The latest Solarize program from the non-profit NC WARN launches January 24, 2015. The community solar program uses tiered pricing to drive down the cost
NPR WUNC: Solar Business is Booming
Yes Co-founders Stew and Kathy Miller were interviewed by WUNC reporter Dave Dewitt for a story about the future of residential solar and the impact
SEIA Press Conference Highlights Yes
Yes Solar Co-founder and President Stew Miller was quoted in the recent press conference by the Solar Energy Industries Association. “We believe solar energy should
Yes in The Top 100 Rooftop Solar Contractors
Solar Power World released the list of 2014 Top Solar Contractors. Yes Solar Solutions is in the Top 100 Rooftop Solar Contractors in the U.S. and
Solarize Orange County Announced
Solarize Orange, a grassroots initiative to bring simple and affordable solar power to Orange County N.C. homeowners, announces the launch of another grass-roots solar community
Solarize Durham Information Session
The second Solarize Durham Information Session has been announced by NC WARN. It will be held Thursday February 27, at the Jewish Community Center at
Progress Energy Cuts Solar Rebate and Hikes Energy Rates
Last week, the North Carolina Utilities commission approved Progress Energy‘s Sunsense rebate change from $1,000 per kilowatt AC installed, to $500 per kilowatt AC installed.
Green Plus Certification
Yes Solar Solutions is pleased to announce its recent achievement of re-certifying as a Green Plus Certified company. After being initially certified in 2010, Yes
Do You Have a Solar Roof?
If you would like to consider solar for your homes or business you may be overwhelmed by the amount of information needed to make a