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Expanding a Rooftop Solar System

Enphase micro-inverters made it easy to increase the size of this solar system.

The Zabransky Frankola family recently expanded a Yes rooftop solar system we installed in 2012.  The additonal 12 panels increased their solar array from 4.8 kW to 8.16 kW.  The original system was selling all electricity to the utility.  Now it is net metered.  Net metering means you use the energy you generate first. And you pay the utility for the net excess.  The system uses Enphase micro-inverters which are attached to the back of the panel.  It made it easy to add to the system by just adding them to each new panel.  The Zabransky Frankolas didn’t hesitate to call on Yes again, due to the quality of our installation and the success of the system.  They are committed to the environment and have taken steps to fulfill that.

“We consider our Solar system from Yes Solar,  along with our Prius hybrid and Leaf electric cars essential in helping the environment for generations to come. We have been so happy with our Yes  solar system installed in 2012, that we recently expanded it to further lower our dependence on the electric grid and fossil fuels.”

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