Well, after some odd weather this winter, and now with Spring right around the corner, why wouldn’t we have one last snow dusting in and
We Heart Solar
For Valentine’s Day, we are taking the opportunity to feature some of our happy customers who are in love with solar (or with Yes Solar
Solarize Triad Launch
The latest Solarize program from the non-profit NC WARN launches January 24, 2015. The community solar program uses tiered pricing to drive down the cost
Solarize Chatham County Enrollment
Solarize Chatham, sponsored by Durham non-profit NC WARN, enrollment period ends July 30, 2014. NC WARN and Yes Solar Solutions also partnered on Solarize Durham
Solarize Durham Information Session
The second Solarize Durham Information Session has been announced by NC WARN. It will be held Thursday February 27, at the Jewish Community Center at
Do You Have a Solar Roof?
If you would like to consider solar for your homes or business you may be overwhelmed by the amount of information needed to make a