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Urban Ministries of Durham N.C.

Urban Ministries of Durham N.C provides assistance in the form of shelter for 1300 guests in a 12 month period, and 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for anyone needing a meal. We installed a 5 kilowatt solar photovotiac system, expected to generate 6649 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. The 20 Suniva solar panels use an Aurora inverter. In addition Urban Ministries now has a solar water heating system with 3 Solstice collectors and a 120 gallon SolarHot tank. This equates to 2,000 meals more the center can provide. The Urban Ministries renewable energy systems are both donations from the non-profit NC WARN, who received a grant to help raise the visibility of renewable energy and does it by donating them to other non-profits.

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