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Solar Financing Options

p1070406By now, (just about) everyone acknowledges that solar is a great way to reduce energy use, gain some independence from utilities and freeze electricity rates, and have a clean renewable energy option.  But solar can still be outside the range of affordability for some.  Fortunately, there are numerous ways to pay for it now.

Many of our customers at Yes Solar Solutions pay for their solar installation with a credit card, which enables you to pay the cost in installments or when the tax credit is issued.  Some put it on their cards just for the reward points.  You might say we paid for their next vacation!

There are lenders now that specialize in solar loans, and with the recent extension of the 30% federal tax credit, buyers who can take advantage of the credit and pay down the loan are finding it a good alternative.

Financing allows homeowners to own the solar system, and pay for it over time. We help you find the right lender through our network of partners, and the most competitive rate you qualify for.

  • $0 Down.
  • Monthly payment lower than your energy bill.  Average savings 20%.
  • Interest only for 12 months.
  • Unsecured (no lien on house).
  • Maintenance included.

The Energy Specialists at Yes Solar Solutions can help you find the right fit for your budget and solar needs. Contact us now for your solar solution.

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